Monday, March 8, 2010

LOVE, IT'S LOVE by *Labbonno

LOVE, IT'S LOVE by *Labbonno
Love, It's Love, Oh Love, True Love, Precious Love!
This emotion was sent from God above.
Love is a mystery, Love is magic, Love is miracle,
Love is not complex, Love explain the unexplainable;
Love is what you feel inside your heart,
The desire that longing without name, that terror in heart;
Love persists in the minds and conquer your hearts;
Love will never drift you apart;
Love is patient, love is kind,
Love heals all, Love is blind;
Love is pure, Love is marvelous,
Love is sweet, Love is glorious;
Love is a mental peace to share,
Love is the fulfillment of desires;
Love is eternal, Love knows no bounds,
Love always protects, always trusts,
Love always hopes, always perseveres.
Love keeps no record of wrongs,
Love rejoices with the truth, Love never fails.
Love is something you cannot hide,
It comes from a place deep down inside;
Love does the strangest things to your mind and soul,
You do not choose, who it is to be, your heart seal your destiny;
Love brings hope and joy, Love brightens your day,
Love washes all the sadness inside you away;
Love makes you warm inside on the coldest of nights;
Love is the pain of letting go without a fight or a thought.
Love comes and goes but who feels it's loss,
Love is about being there and fulfill all the promises;
Love makes life so mystical, Love is arts, it's a passion,
The feeling which is worth more complain then the struggle of loss to explain;
Love is the golden key, Love is making friends,
Love is for eternity, Love never ends;
Love is something that all crave,
Love is when you try to act brave;
Love is when he brings you a rose,
Love is watching him propose;
Love is the most amazing feeling,
Love is when you look down at him kneeling;
Love is when he tells you what's true,
Love is when he says "I love you".
Love is putting on that perfect glass shoe,
Love is saying "I do".
Love is when you share what you have with your lover,
Love never dies, Love never say's "It's over" ;
Love is something stronger than ever,
Love is something that lasts forever.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

tremendous lessons

i will tell you that there have been no failures in my life.i dont want to sound like metaphysical queen, but there have been no failures.there have been some tremendous lessons. life is for once so love it & live it.& let other live. one of the greatest joys in life is to be in search of one thing and discover another.

A True Valuable Lesson by *Labbonno

Do you remember how it was when we first started out
So much alike, that we shared every single thought;
When I was alone in the darkness and falling apart
You were there to showed me the way to your heart.
When we were together, your heart all mine, I felt so alive
And now you are already gone, I don't even know if I can survive;
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name
Now all Ihave is memories and your picture in a frame;
Tear drops slowly down the chicks, I felt like no one could understand
Once you wipe them away, and you were there to take my hand;
Remember when you used to call me every night
To tell me goodnight and to see if I was alright,
I never wanted to cause you any pain, but things change you moved away
You promised we will never apart, I thought you were here to always stay;
As my heart sore, I admit my mistakes, but can you admit yours
I have paid for what I have done, as you have paid for yours?
To me, there's no hope and no hand to hold on and no one to care
Why is it like this? why we can't even talk? though my love for you is still there!
You said that we should go our separate ways
And I would say " what about all those things you told me everyday!?"
You laugh and say " I got to go", you ignored me and walked away
But I will always remember the lessons you gave me that day . . . . .
I know you have moved on, cause we haven't talk or see each other in a while
But I won't let you see me cry I will just put on a fake smile . . . . .
And even though it's hard and I may struggle through it all
You see me struggle . . . . . you will never see me fall;
When everything was a game and it seems like nobody loves or cares
Now times have changed and I understand nothing is fair,
So I began to realize, as the memories flow and what healing means
It mean's not to forget, but let the past flow of all the sadness
To take the strengths and apply them to life is a true valuable lesson!
Now I have learnt this fight, I have so much to prove to you, so far to go
I will end this, with the hardest thing I will ever do, to set you free and let you go,
I close my eyes and smile, I didn't think I would go this far, it's a big mistake
I can't stop wondering on how I should let you go, I never thought your love was fake;
So, goodbye . . . . . and the unspoken truth about how I feel about you
Deep in me I love you but hate you and can't say which one is really true!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Dreams are sequence of sensations,images, thoughts, etc. Dreams are just a normal part of human existence.Our dreams are a doorway to our inner selves. They relate to our inner most thoughts and feelings.Dreams have long proven themselves to be store houses of creativity and may in fact be the well from which imagination springs. Visions and ideas can come from dreams. Visions will become clearer when you look into your heart. Dreams are illustrations. In dreams, the world avails itself to the desires of the dreamer. Adventure and intrigue are almost guaranteed because the usual laws of physics and of society no longer apply, and many of the apparent blocks set by age,sex,race,or religion simply fall away. In dreams we can be the hero of our own world. The boundaries of imagination are the only limits. Without imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities. When you find a dream inside your heart don't let it go, for dreams are the tiny seeds from which beautiful tomorrow grows. Dreams are endless. Life ends when you stop dreaming; hope ends when you stop believing in your dream.Dreams do come true if you keep believing in yourself. Anything is possible. To accomplish great things we must not only act accordingly, but also dream. Everything on earth are a result of dreams. To make our dreams come true, the first thing we have to do is wake up and work hard at it. So, lets all dream to make the world a better place. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you - the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world. The world needs dreamers and doers, but above all the world needs dreamers who do. When we are dream alone it only remains a dream at times, but when we dream with others, it becomes the beginning of reality.The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've always imagined. According to the Sanskrit proverb, "Look to this day… In it lies all the realities and verities of existence, the bliss of growth, the splendor of action, the glory of power. For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well-lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."

I love to dream, and i believe in dreams. It withdraws my emotion and makes me smile;
Everything it surrounds, appear beautiful; it promises the world is mine,
And as I think of you and me, make my dreaming worth while!