Monday, May 10, 2010

Do Soulmates Exist?? - YES THEY DO! by *Labbonno ANGEL OF LOVE

My belief in Soul mates exist differs from the beliefs of a lot of people I know, in that my belief is not based merely upon the possibility of lovers being soul mates,
but that there are others in your life that are also your soul mates... a spouse, lover, significant other, boyfriend/girlfriend ...all of these people are commonly referred
to by people as being their soul mate. It makes it easy to explain why you chose to get involved in an all-encompassing relationship with one another, and even in the unhealthiest
of romantic relationships, the term has been used, usually to explain the reasons why a person stays when they are being abused in some way. But what about those people that you
consider in your inner circle? Those who are so close to you it seems the two of you are two halves of the same person? I have a close friend to whom I have so much in common with, I have gone through so much with, that we know we are soul mates, and my love also believe that the way we connect we should consider ourselves each others soul mates. because to be separated from him, would be emotionally devastating to me.
By my own personal definition, a soul mate is someone outside your immediate family, who is joined to you by fate, meant to be a part of your life, to whom you feel an honest kinship
and whom you share multiple facets of your life with. To know your soul mate is there holding you up, standing at your back and watching over you protectively can make you feel high
and bullet proof. Not everyone you meet or that is a special person to you is a soul mate, obviously. There is a pull that happens between two people when they are soul mates. It
is an immediate response to seeing them, hearing them, communicating with them. You know it when you feel it. That intangible feeling of being drawn to someone else. That is the
feeling. You don't necessarily hear the orchestra playing or see angels singing the praises of the other person, because life is not a movie. But you do know the feeling, and I
would be willing to bet that even those that claim that they don't believe in soul mates have felt that at one time or another in their lives about someone else. It doesn't even
matter if you feel the pull and then it diminishes later on, and you break up with the person or if the two of you go your separate ways out of the friendship. You and your soul mates
can and sometimes do pass in and out of each other's lives, at times temporarily, at others , for good. But they have changed you by being a part of your life, just as you have
changed them. You have enriched one another, learned and taught one another, lived and laughed and loved together, and because of that, they have touched your soul, and that is
what makes them your soul mate.
Soulmate is not just a romantic notion of mine, that everyone has a "soul mate" or someone that they can link with on every level. It is based on logic, emotion and practical
experience. It is logical to assume that there is someone, somewhere, with whom you fundamentally agree with on all of the main issues in life. We all pass through life forming
opinions and plans based on our emotions, feelings, experiences and requirements. On the basis that millions of people, just in our own country for a start, live their lives
against fundamentally the same background, then there are only a finite number of decisions, plans and opinions that can be formed. Therefore, it MUST be the case that there is
someone that agrees with you on these matters. A soul mate is, of course, much more than someone who you agree with on many matters. It is someone who you connect with on a
subconscious level, too. This connection, though, is based on the fact that you are both heading the same way in life, and that you both want to get there in the same way. A
soul mate is your best friend, your confidante, the person with whom you are relaxed enough to be yourself around and with whom you can express yourself freely, emotionally and
physically. All of this happens naturally and the emotion when you realize it is huge. This promotion from a great partner to realizing you are soul mates is all about communication.
Whilst it may be obvious that you agree on many, many points and have developed a "connection", it is the points on which you don't agree exactly that make the difference.
Communicating about these matters, and realizing that the differences don't matter at all, is one of the final signs that you have found your soul mate. You have found links at all
sorts of levels and nothing seems to affect your relationship and feelings for each other. An unspeakable connection, the intertwining of the body and the mind, weaving love, lust,
trust and most of all respect is what mating the souls to become one is all about.
Soul mates do exist. It is an unexplainable bond, more that just finishing each others sentences, but a sincere connection to another human being. The relationship with your
soul mate is free from jealousy, anger and frustration because when you communicate it's only the two of you in the room always! It's that feeling that makes everything else
seem insignificant. A soul mate is more than an idea, but an institution that still exists as long as we believe that there is someone for everyone. It exists because
"Opposites attract" and "great minds think alike" so while we soul search within, we yearn for that other person we can connect with. A soul mate is someone you won't have to
look for. Not to say that they will fall into your lap either. Being open to finding the right person for you is based on your attitude.It's not that fairy tale, but it takes time
and patience to really let someone in to your life and they should welcome you as well. All the wrongs of the past make you appreciate the present, and the future. With that said, we
should not taint our future love life with relationships gone wrong. Not to say that you and your soul mate will have a worry free, but that special bond always brings you back to what
is true. Your feelings never lie. If your mind and your heart are saying the same thing, then your soul speaks the divine truth. Let your emotions run free to welcome your mate into
your soul, but it has to feel right. I think a sign of true bonding is when you feel as though you have known each other for ever, the love you have for each other is unquestioning
and unconditional, and you both realize that without the words having to be spoken.
Finding your soul mate can take a while, but the basic paths that we are all on make it logical to assume that your soul mate is out there somewhere, but the key issue is not to set
your expectations that blindly or, mainly, be that "black and white". Easy communication and understanding on all issues is the key to forming this bond, but it is important to realize
to realize that you are deeply, deeply linked. It's a happy way to be!

“A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we’re safe in our own paradise. Our soul mate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. Our soul mate is the one who makes life come to life."

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