Monday, August 16, 2010

That’s what makes us women.

I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away,
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today.

I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears,
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears.

I'm here and I will stand by you,
Each hill you have to climb.
So take my hand, let's face the world --
Live one day at a time.

You're not alone, for I'm still here...
I'll go that extra mile,
And when your life is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile!

I wouldn’t hide, I wouldn’t fret, I’d cry, I’d wail, but then again will stand up on my two feet and walk the walk, live the life. That’s what makes us women, women!
I question myself, ‘would I do things differently if I coudl turn back time?’. I'm not so sure … I wonder … seeing myself in the position I am right now, and thinking had I done this, or had I done that differently, would things be different now? the slightest change in my past might have changed this present tremendously. there are things I wish I had done, stuff that I let go that I now think I shouldn’t have, actions that may have made me a better person or helped me land in a better future (present). humming the song in my head… I conclude, everything I did, I did for a reason. everything i let go, i let go for a cause. when i really come to think of it, I dont want to change a thing in the past … I still wonder though how things might have turned out if I changed an action in the past … but the present is wonderful… where I am is gr8, the people I share it with are a blessing … I am happy with all the decisions I made!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh baby do you feel
    My arms around you so tight
    I love to hold you
    All through the night
    I make a little promise
    To love you all through my life
    And wish to hear you say
    ‘You’ll always be my love
    I run my fingers through
    Your freshly washed hair
    And smell the musky smell
    Of your chest skin bare
    I wish you could hear me sing
    This lovely song I made
    Especially for you my love
    Straight from my heart I sang
    I’d love you forever
    And leave you never
    I’ll be right here
    I’d stay with you ever
    I love you my darling
    Wish you’d be alright
    With all the love I can give
    I wish you’d wake tonight
