Sunday, September 26, 2010

It all started
with just one innocent kiss
how could we have known
it would have grown into this

Summer nights we spent
in each others arms
making promises of our love
to keep each other safe from harm

And to think it all started
with that one little kiss
when time stood still
consumed by pure bliss
Over time
my feelings for you grew
and deep inside
you loved me too

Its weird to think
about what one kiss can do
change your life
and everyone else's too

Just one kiss
is all it takes
it can be amazing
or it might be a mistake

But without that one
special kiss
a part of your life

you would greatly miss.

Eventhough he is not belong to me anymore,
I want to have him all to myself.
Although I know its wrong to feel this way.... I cant help this feeling that I feel everyday!
The MORE and MORE I try yo fight it...... the MORE and MORE I have to HIDE it!
Eventhough he is not mine, the thought of him is just fine.
I wish I knew exactly how he feels about me, then I would know what will be.
The ONE I want... I CAN NOT HAVE!
The ONE I choose...I won't even have a chance to LOSE!!!

addicted to a kiss
that never blessed my lips
addicted to a touch
that never caressed my skin

addicted to a look
that never met my eyes
Addicted to a warmth
that never wrapped my body

addicted to his voice
his laugh so sweet
addicted to his soul
his heart on his sleeve

addicted to him
when I don't hear him daily
I feel like in withdrawal
need to hear him say I do, I care for you baby...


  1. come to my arms dear
    let me hold you tight
    the thrill of you being near
    fills me with delight .

    embrace my heart
    wherever you may be
    we'll share forever kisses
    when you are with me .

    kisses of passion
    kisses of care
    kisses so gentle
    kisses so rare.

    we'll know in a moment
    our love must be true
    when i hug you close
    and share forever kisses with you .

    please close your eyes
    let your lips meet mine
    forever love is so wise
    and will send us a sign .

    kisses of tenderness
    kisses sent from above
    kisses of destiny
    kisses of forever love .

    being with you dear
    is my dream come true
    i'm contented to hold hands
    and whisper ''i love you'' .

    in the land of forever
    we will be where we belong
    two lovers sharing forever
    how can that be wrong .

    kisses of fire
    kisses warm and true
    kisses that tell me
    i'll be sharing forever with you .

  2. Happened in a moment
    just took a stare
    And u sensed
    the love in the air.

    With a kiss
    so deep & passionate ,
    you knew
    it was obvious, it was the fate.

    Not a mistake.. no more a sin
    dreams unfolded.. u can dare,
    when he hold your hand
    & said “yes, I care”
