Sunday, September 19, 2010

“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true”

There's a sea between us, and I wish that it weren't true
For every day when I awake, I yearn to be with you,
There are many miles between us, though you're always in my heart
And everynight I pray for the day we'll neverpart.
We choose to stay together even though we're far apart
Joined by the strong tether Of the longings of the heart,
We could not face the pain That giving up would bring
And sowe must sustain Our love despite our suffering;
Though rivers run as swift as deer And mountains turn to dust
I'll wait as year gives way to year because I simply must.
Dreams do come true, but only when They make it through despair
Limping into everyday Transformed beyond repair,
No dream would be a dream if it Could pass for something real
For the lover's paradise nor we would sail;
So, it is with love: the dream Long longed for
Now possessed, Must be a dream no longer,
And we must love, love as it is that dreams might still come true,
Mangled into miracles To make our lives a new.

Close your eyes and feel the breeze, I am there Surrounding you with loving grace, Warming your body with my embrace, So, let's dream together and make it last.. We can take it slow or take it fast. Because the only thing I want is you, I will hold you tight and never let you go. Cause, we know in our own passionate world, in our paradise island, in our heart everything is okay.. even though many miles are trying to keep us apart. Maybe someday we could be more than this to have and to hold instead of only to missing each other. But I'll never give up, no matter how hopeless it seems and until that day comes, I'll meet you in my dreams Now and Forever.....


  1. All day long I think of you, I can't even think of things to do. Wishing all of my day dreams come true, now baby what am I to do?

  2. My dreams.. so deep so passionate ..
    all about you,
    Oh! All are so real so lively ..
    feels like dejavu.
    Now, want to turn the dreams into real
    the thirsty soul can’t wait
    Want the magic, want the miracle right now
    Tomorrow will be too late.
