Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thinking of you

I woke up this morning thinking of you
And i wondered if you were thinking of me to...

I sat up and thought about our last goodbye
and all i could do was sit there and cry

It's hard to let you go when i know what we could be
I just have to wait until the day that you will finally see

Maybe someday you'll realize how much i care for you
and maybe you'll realize that you care for me to

But until we meet what could be fate,
i'll just sit here thinking of you and wait.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Love Lasts Forever. . .

Love is an experience I've yet to discover
Love is when you share what you have with your lover
Love is something I can't even describe
Love is something similar to a vibe

Love is knowing they'll be there for you
Love is little bits of heaven, too
Love is what you feel in your heart
Love will never drift you apart

However, love can be deceiving
This I know for sure
Love isn't when I see you leaving
Heading straight for her

Love is something marvelous
Love is something pure
Love is something glorious
Love is opening that big door

Love isn't when you say "It's over"
Love isn't when you lie to my face
Love is as beautiful as a clover
Love is something wrapped in lace

Love is when he brings you a rose
Love is watching him purpose
Love is when your heart shows
Love is when the love grows

Love is something that I crave
Love is when you try to act brave
Love is the most amazing feeling
Love is when you look down at him kneeling

Love is when he tells you what's true
Love is when he says "I love you"
Love is putting on that perfect glass shoe
Love is saying "I do"

Love is waiting for your girl
Love is as white as a pearl
Love is something stronger than ever
Love is something that lasts forever


Love is for eternity
Love never ends
Love is the golden key
Love is making friends

Love is what you feel
When you're around that special someone
Love lasts forever–
And baby, we've just begun.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

It all started
with just one innocent kiss
how could we have known
it would have grown into this

Summer nights we spent
in each others arms
making promises of our love
to keep each other safe from harm

And to think it all started
with that one little kiss
when time stood still
consumed by pure bliss
Over time
my feelings for you grew
and deep inside
you loved me too

Its weird to think
about what one kiss can do
change your life
and everyone else's too

Just one kiss
is all it takes
it can be amazing
or it might be a mistake

But without that one
special kiss
a part of your life

you would greatly miss.

Eventhough he is not belong to me anymore,
I want to have him all to myself.
Although I know its wrong to feel this way.... I cant help this feeling that I feel everyday!
The MORE and MORE I try yo fight it...... the MORE and MORE I have to HIDE it!
Eventhough he is not mine, the thought of him is just fine.
I wish I knew exactly how he feels about me, then I would know what will be.
The ONE I want... I CAN NOT HAVE!
The ONE I choose...I won't even have a chance to LOSE!!!

addicted to a kiss
that never blessed my lips
addicted to a touch
that never caressed my skin

addicted to a look
that never met my eyes
Addicted to a warmth
that never wrapped my body

addicted to his voice
his laugh so sweet
addicted to his soul
his heart on his sleeve

addicted to him
when I don't hear him daily
I feel like in withdrawal
need to hear him say I do, I care for you baby...


It is hard for me to be away from you’
I know it also affects you, sometimes makes you blue.
The distance and the world that keeps us far apart,
Challenges our inner strengths that together binds our hearts.
What is also most important, our love and devotion
To each other binds us o’re the ocean.
True love has no boundaries, it is so wild and free;
It floats softly between us, touches us so gently.
As this love is strong, genuine and capable,
It will always be indestructible.

When we're apart you're all I think of, I don't think there could ever be enough words in this world that could really capture how I truly feel about you. I love you so much, I just don't know how I could ever explain it. I think of you with every walking moment of my life, and dream of you with every dream that I have, you're the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart, I miss you so much. I'm waiting and hoping and wishing for the time, when we can be together again. I'm sorry that, I can't be there with you, when you need me, I realy feelbad, I can't live without you, I love you alot, you're the one without whom I could not be complete. you may not be here with me, but thoughts of you are always in my heart. missing you is the hardest part of
my days, I love you with all my heart, but I didn't know, true love hurts so hard, every single second I wanna be with you, I know I'll always love you, for there is only one love to me, that's you, so, I'll never give up, and I'll be there for rest of my life to hold you tight, and never let you go, I promise. there is nothing I want more than to be with you.
My love you consume my mind, you invade my thoughts, you're the ruler of my dream world, a intense power you have over me, which give me strength, hope, and new meaning. you're my sun, my moon, my eveningstar, my love, my destiny. you're the one, only one my Love and I'm belong to you. and I'm yours and ond only yours. without you my vision is clouded by tears in my eyes. sometimes I wish I could dream forever, then that way we'll always be together.

I feel you in the morning
When at first I awake
Your thought is with me
With each decision I make

You'd been around forever
Since the first breath I took
Now I have to go on alone
But for love, I need not look

Cause by what you bestowed
In our short time together
Will last in my heart
Forever and ever

Although you've left
And now walk above
I'm never alone
I'm wrapped in your love

Enjoy now your long waited reward
Feel peace that your love continues on
What was taught to me, will be taught to mine
Cause you live on in me even after you've gone.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

“Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true”

There's a sea between us, and I wish that it weren't true
For every day when I awake, I yearn to be with you,
There are many miles between us, though you're always in my heart
And everynight I pray for the day we'll neverpart.
We choose to stay together even though we're far apart
Joined by the strong tether Of the longings of the heart,
We could not face the pain That giving up would bring
And sowe must sustain Our love despite our suffering;
Though rivers run as swift as deer And mountains turn to dust
I'll wait as year gives way to year because I simply must.
Dreams do come true, but only when They make it through despair
Limping into everyday Transformed beyond repair,
No dream would be a dream if it Could pass for something real
For the lover's paradise nor we would sail;
So, it is with love: the dream Long longed for
Now possessed, Must be a dream no longer,
And we must love, love as it is that dreams might still come true,
Mangled into miracles To make our lives a new.

Close your eyes and feel the breeze, I am there Surrounding you with loving grace, Warming your body with my embrace, So, let's dream together and make it last.. We can take it slow or take it fast. Because the only thing I want is you, I will hold you tight and never let you go. Cause, we know in our own passionate world, in our paradise island, in our heart everything is okay.. even though many miles are trying to keep us apart. Maybe someday we could be more than this to have and to hold instead of only to missing each other. But I'll never give up, no matter how hopeless it seems and until that day comes, I'll meet you in my dreams Now and Forever.....