Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I had never been so thankful in my whole life...

I had never been so thankful in my whole life...
Being able to share a bond with you had been the greatest gift that was bestowed upon me. Though it was a mistake, it had been the most beautiful mistake that I committed. And if hands of time were to reverse, I would choose to err the same way like I did.

You made me believe I could take on the world.
You made me believe I could be anything I wanted to be.
You made me believe love at first sight exist.
All these, was because of the magic in your eyes.
And the way you looked at me through those eyes.
That electrifying feeling, that made me crave for more.
That craving, that made me forgot everything and willingly tried the Forbidden Fruit. Against everything and everyone. I tasted it.
The eternal price came. For tasting the essence of love I was made to pay the price. Like withdrawal symptoms I felt the pain. It kept coming to me. In the middle of every night.

I was addicted to the forbidden fruit. I was addicted to you. The love was so strong, it gave me the courage to go against everything that was right, just to feel right.
But Fate placed a barrier between you and me.
I want you to know, I had been there for you all along.. Just that you can't see me. And it wasn't appropriate for me to show my care and love for you anymore.

Many times I saw you frown. And the same number of times I wanted to cheer you up. And also the same numbers of times I stopped myself. I don't want to become a spoiler in your perceived happy ending, nor do I want to break the promise I made.
You believe that you loved me more than anyone in the world. Well, the truth is I love you more than anyone do..
I am cursed by LOVE... that's why showing my love is no longer possible.

How can love be forbidden?
How can our love be forbidden?
I know we're not the same. And I know we have many differences. But looking into your eyes, they all just seem to disappear. Looking into your eyes, I see the beautiful person you are. Looking into your eyes, I only see the person I am so dearly in love with. The person I so dearly love.

Not for what you are.
Not for what only the eyes can see.
Nor for what only the lips can say.
But for you,
And all you are.

It's then I wonder,
Why should it matter that we're different?
Why should it matter that we're not the same?

Why should it, when I know my feelings for you are true?
Why, when all it is I want to do is love you?

How could the happiness and joy you bring me, be anywhere near close of forbidden?
Just because our colors are different? Just because our families expect otherwise? Just because the world tells us we can't?
Why should it even matter if our genders were to be the same?

If only the world could see, the love we share.
If only the world could see, how truly happy we are together.
Maybe then, we wouldn't have to keep it a secret.

Because loving you, is what brings joy to my heart. Loving you, is what makes my world go round. Loving you, is all the reason I need to live.

Why should it be forbidden to love a person? Why should it be forbidden to look past the differences, and love one and another?

Because even the way you smile, leaves my insides fluttering.
And the way you can hold me so tightly, makes me want to stay in your arms an eternity.
The way your lips touch mine, leaves me thinking I'm dreaming.
The way silence never seems to haunt us, only makes me want to gaze into your eyes even longer.
And the way you say those three words so sweetly, makes me want to be yours alone forever.

How can all this be forbidden?
Most of all, why should it be forbidden?

It won't make me stop loving you.
Nor will it make me regret loving you.
Why should it?

I know I can't change the world. Or even the ones close to us.
But nothing they will ever say, or anything they will ever do, will change my love for you.
I can't promise you a forever. But I do promise you my heart.
One that will stay with you, till the day you die.

And with that promise, I know our love can't be forbidden.
How can something so strong,
Ever be?

Monday, August 16, 2010

That’s what makes us women.

I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away,
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today.

I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears,
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears.

I'm here and I will stand by you,
Each hill you have to climb.
So take my hand, let's face the world --
Live one day at a time.

You're not alone, for I'm still here...
I'll go that extra mile,
And when your life is easier,
I'll help you learn to smile!

I wouldn’t hide, I wouldn’t fret, I’d cry, I’d wail, but then again will stand up on my two feet and walk the walk, live the life. That’s what makes us women, women!
I question myself, ‘would I do things differently if I coudl turn back time?’. I'm not so sure … I wonder … seeing myself in the position I am right now, and thinking had I done this, or had I done that differently, would things be different now? the slightest change in my past might have changed this present tremendously. there are things I wish I had done, stuff that I let go that I now think I shouldn’t have, actions that may have made me a better person or helped me land in a better future (present). humming the song in my head… I conclude, everything I did, I did for a reason. everything i let go, i let go for a cause. when i really come to think of it, I dont want to change a thing in the past … I still wonder though how things might have turned out if I changed an action in the past … but the present is wonderful… where I am is gr8, the people I share it with are a blessing … I am happy with all the decisions I made!!!

A Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime?!

What are you?! Are you a Reason a Season or a Lifetime?!
People come into your life for
a Reason
a Season
or a Lifetime.

When you know which one it is,
you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON,
it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty,
to provide you with guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.

They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then,
without any wrongdoing on your part
or at an inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something
to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met,
our desire fulfilled, their work is done.
The prayer you sent up has been answered
and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON,
because your turn has come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real.
But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must build upon in order
to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person
and put what you have learned to use
in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime.

And I also thank all the people I’ve met in my lifetime who have lent me their ears, allowed me to belong, gave me support in my good and more-ly in my bad times, gave me love and let me love them back. I’m all the better because somewhere, somehow, and someone have given me hope that friendship is not fleeting, integrity is intrusive, and that good intent coupled with works can be a true embodiment of camaraderie for as long as it is deemed necessary to embrace a true friend! And for those that I’ve called a friend at some point in my life, you will always be one … but know that you will not be forgotten. Thank you all for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Letter To A Friend

~ A Letter To A Friend ~

~ My heart speaks to you every day, my dear friend.
Each morning I rise to the faces of children
making themselves ready for school, I smile.
~This smile I send to you by way of my heart~

~ I kiss them,
never let them leave without an "I love you"
and wave as they disappear.
I smile......knowing how lucky I am.
~This smile of love I send to you by way of my heart~

~ I heat water to brew my herbs,
and sit outside to hear the morning birds sing.
Sipping my tea, looking out over this wonderous valley,
I feel blessed for the beauty I see.
~This blessing I send to you by way of my heart~

~ When the sun is warm I begin watering the grass my son planted,
and tend the flowers my children helped me create.
I close my eyes, breathing in their scent,
a more powerful healer has yet to be made.
~This fragrance I send to you by way of my heart~

~ And throughout the day,
and hundreds of small tasks and little projects,
I think of you and yours.
I wonder if your day is like mine and how you are handling things.
I am almost sure you look at things as I do,
and even relish the tasks we have at hand.
~These thoughts I send to you by way of my heart~

~ At days end, when I return to my porch,
my tea in hand,
I watch in wonder as the sun sets.
I'm stunned and grateful for the colors I find,
for the peace it brings me.
Knowing that if the next day failed to come,
that I did well today,
that I took the time to see things around me,
knowing that I am loved,
and that my dear ones know that I love them.
~This peace I feel,
I send to you ... my friend,
... by way of my heart~


Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13.

Love is Patient , Love is Kind , Love is not Selfish , Love is Thoughtful , Love is not Rude , Love is not Irritable , Love believes the Best , Love is not Jealous , Love Makes Good Impressions , Love is Unconditional , Love is Satisfied in God , Love is Faithful , Love Always Protects , Love vs. Lust , Love Forgives , Love is Responsible , Love Encourages , Love Makes Sacrifices , Love's Motivation , Love Brings Unity ,Love Cherishes , Love Lets the Other Win , Love Fights Fair , Love takes Delight , Love is Honorable , Love Intercedes , Love Promotes Intimacy , Love Seeks to Understand , Love is Impossible , Love is Jesus Christ , Love and Marriage , Love meets sexual needs , Love Completes Each Other , Love Celebrates Godliness , Love is Accountable , Love is God's Word , Love agrees in Prayer , Love Fulfills Dreams , Love Endures , Love is a Covenant.

LOVE in a Bottle?

If you could bottle up Love
and sell it by the drop;
It'd be too expensive, probably a crock.
People would spill it and some would abuse;
That precious substance, that love in a tube.

There's be weird commercials, and so many brands;
"Buy love here, it's cheaper than stands."
Everyone would buy, except those who couldn't;
Then there's be those who'd steal it,
and others who wouldn't.

Crime would be rampant and love would be cheap,
It'd lose all it's meaning,
There's be nothing to reap.
But Love comes from within, true Love from above;
From our Heavenly Father,
the one who invented this Love.

You see it's not about having, taking, and such;
or buying and selling, or just for a crutch.
Love's about giving when there's nothing to give;
For then they'll be living, and for something to live.

Life's full of Mystery, Love is one of those;
The other's are many, there's faith and then hope.
But the greatest of these was given to us;
By our very Creator that gave life and trust.

Love was shown one day on a cross;
Held high on a hill battered and mocked.
We abused it then and some still do now;
But He still forgives us, We know not why or how.

"Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."
It's a convicting statement, that burns so true.
Love was so awesome, but we killed Him the same,
Then all of a sudden Love again reigned.

He came once again to give us a chance;
To have this True Love, not just a glance.
He gives and He gives and then gives some more.
Love could never be bought from a store.

So next time you're down and moping about;
You think there's no Love and you're having your doubts.
Remember the time Love was slew on a tree
Then just remember
"He did that for me !!!"

Every now and then it’s nice to have a little reminder of exactly how much love surrounds us in the world. A loving couple, the love between a parent and child, or even the love between a kid and their favorite pet — today we’re showcasing it all in a special photo stream honoring love. So go ahead — give it a look, smile, and then go tell someone that you love them today.